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4 Awesome Life Hacks & Creative Science Experiments

  4 Awesome Life Hacks & Creative Science Experiments Hello science and tech lovers, here are 4 Awesome Life Hacks & Creative Scienc...

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Dear Motherland

Dear Motherland

I’m your tiny creature
So, you might have forgotten me
But I've never been
when I cry
my tears fall down on you
when I breathe or
when my heart beats
Its just because of you.

God is so great that
I opened my eyes
 in such a glorious place
where I learnt to smile
where I learnt to walk
no matter wherever I’m
you are circulated in my every blood cell.
and surely one day
I’ll be in your arm
to show my inexhaustible love and charm

Pradeep Gautam


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